Waterford Airport cleared for take-off – Cummins
4th February 2022 - John Cummins TD
Following significant delays, planning permission has been granted by An Bord Pleanála to extend the runway at Waterford Airport, and confirmation has also been given for Compulsory Purchase Orders for lands adjacent to the site, Senator John Cummins has said.
The development will involve an extension of the existing 1,433-metre-long runway by 491m at its northern end and 363m at its southern end, resulting in a total runway length of 2,287m and the widening of the runway from 30m in width to 45m.
It will also include the demolition of two properties, alterations to runway lighting, drainage, runway shoulders, an additional 205 car parking spaces and a number of other associated works.
Speaking in the Seanad earlier this week, Senator Cummins, a former member of the board at Waterford Airport, criticised the delays by An Bord Pleanála in reaching a decision for what he described as “critical and strategic infrastructure”.
Senator Cummins said, “An application was made in July 2020. A decision was due to be issued by An Bord Pleanála in February 2021. We are now in February 2022 and a decision has not yet been issued by An Bord Pleanála.
“It is wholly unacceptable that such strategic infrastructure would be held up for such a lengthy period. I am slow to criticise the board, and I appreciate that it has been inundated with applications, however this is critical infrastructure, and I would ask that a decision be made urgently by An Bord Pleanála to allow the airport board progress with investment plans it has for the airport”.
Speaking following the approval from An Bord Pleanála today, Senator Cummins said, “This is hugely welcome news. Waterford Airport has been restricted in terms of its ability to attract airlines and routes given the limited types of aircraft that could operate from the runway. While they have been exceptionally busy with smaller private aircraft movements, the lengthening and widening of the runway opens up many more possibilities. I look forward to working with management and the board in the time ahead to ensure this project is now realised.”
In June 2019, the previous Fine Gael led Government made a Cabinet decision to support the airport’s plans for expansion by pledging €5 million in exchequer funding to match €5 million in private funding and €2 million from the combined Waterford, Wexford and Kilkenny Local Authorities.
Senator Cummins concluded by saying “I know everyone at Waterford Airport is working exceptionally hard to finalise investment plans to undertake these works. Today’s decision by An Bord Pleanála is timely, and I have no doubt it will bring added impetus to those discussions.”
John Cummins TD
WaterfordJohn Cummins in the Minister of State for Local Government and Planning. John was elected as a member of Dáil…
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