Update: Youth Poverty – Children and Youth Affairs 25th September, 2014
25th September 2014 - Bernard Durkan TD
DÁIL QUESTION addressed to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Dr. James Reilly)
by Deputy Bernard J. Durkan
for WRITTEN ANSWER on 25/09/2014
* To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the extent to which his Department continues to monitor issues of youth poverty; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Bernard J. Durkan T.D.
Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020 (BOBF) was published and launched by Government in 2014. BOBF comprehends the continuum from infancy through early and middle childhood to adolescence and early adulthood. It provides the overarching framework for the development and implementation of policy and services for children and young people.
As provided for in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020, the Department of Social Protection, under Commitment 4.2, has lead responsibility for a national child-specific social target to lift 70,000 children out of consistent poverty by 2020, a reduction of at least two-thirds on the 2011 level. This target will include reducing the poverty rate for households with children, which is consistently higher when compared to non-child households and for children as compared to adults. It is expected that this commitment will be addressed on a cross-departmental basis.
My Department is working on a number of initiatives which are relevant in addressing issues related to child and youth poverty. It is, for example, leading the implementation of the Area Based Childhood Programme. The ABC Programme is being co-funded by Atlantic Philanthropies and will have a total funding allocation of up to €29.7 million. The ABC Programme draws on best international practice to break the cycle of child poverty where it is most deeply entrenched, and improve the outcomes for children and young people and existing services.
In terms of other provision, my Department is spending €260 million annually on three childcare support programmes which provide childcare to 100,000 children. A number of these programmes are targeted at those on lowest incomes.
My Department also provides funding for targeted support for disadvantaged, marginalised and at risk young people through three schemes. The three programmes are Special Projects for Youth Scheme, the Young People’s Facilities and Services Fund and Local Drugs Task Force. Projects. In addition, national and regional youth work organisations are supported under my Department’s Youth Service Grant Scheme. In 2014, current funding of €49.78 million has been provided to my Department for these schemes.
The Youth Work Sector has a significant role to play in young people’s personal and social development and progression and improving outcomes for all young people, including those in most need of support and at risk of poverty. The sector has particular expertise in working with young people and provides non-formal and informal learning opportunities which aid young people’s preparedness, participation, and progression in key areas of their lives such as education, inclusion and employment.
The National Youth Strategy 2014 – 2020 which being developed by my Department as a constituent strategy of BOBF in collaboration with other Government departments and youth interests will have a particular focus on ensuring greater coordination in policy and provision across government for young people aged 10 €“ 24 years. The National Youth Strategy is for all young people aged 10 to 24 years, spanning the period 2014 €“ 2020 and will aim to be responsive to current and emerging issues which impact on young people’s lives.
Within this universal strategy, there will be particular regard to young people experiencing or at risk of experiencing the poorest outcomes and in most need of support. It will set out the cross-cutting actions that will improve the effectiveness of services in supporting young people to attain the national outcomes. The Strategy will be evidence informed and implementation focused, with priorities underpinned by realistic and achievable actions tied to specific outcomes and measureable indicators.
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