Update: Waterways Ireland 17th July 2014
17th July 2014 - Bernard Durkan TD
To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the extent to which he has engaged with Waterways Ireland and traditional canal dwellers and recreational users of the canals in the context of the ongoing debate relating to proposals by Waterways Ireland to dramatically increase the costs to the users of the canal system having particular regard that the Royal Canal in particular was largely restored through voluntary effort; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
– Bernard J. Durkan.
For ORAL answer on Wednesday, 16th July, 2014.
Ref No: 31206/14 Lottery: 35 Proof: 35
Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ms Heather Humphreys, T.D.)
As the Deputy will be aware, Waterways Ireland undertook a public consultation process in relation to the proposed draft bye-laws earlier this year.
I am informed by Waterways Ireland that the main stakeholders, including the Inland Waterways Association of Ireland, the Heritage Boat Association, the Royal Canal Amenity Group and the Irish Boat Rental Association, were contacted individually and invited to meet with the Chief Executive and the senior management team of Waterways Ireland prior to submitting their views. I am also advised that all current permit holders on the three waterways, including traditional canal users and canal dwellers, received individual written notice and were given the opportunity to make their views and requirements known.
I understand that over 2,000 submissions were made in the course of the public consultation process. Waterways Ireland has now concluded their analysis of the public consultation. A summary of the consultation process and of the submissions received is available on the Waterways Ireland website at
In line with the commitment given during a debate in Seanad Éireann on Wednesday 26 February 2014, I will afford interested Deputies and Senators an opportunity to discuss the proposals with me prior to making a final decision on the draft bye-laws.
http://www.waterwaysireland.org/public-consultation and work is continuing on finalising the draft bye-laws. To that end, Waterways Ireland will prepare a report setting out its proposed approach, including any revisions it may wish to make to its original proposals. That report will be submitted to my Department and will then be referred to me, as Minister, with recommendations for consideration and final decision.
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