Update: Special Needs Teachers & Assistants 9th July 2014
9th July 2014 - Bernard Durkan TD
Ceist Pharlaiminte
Chun an Aire Oideachais agus Eolaíoctha
To the Minister for Education and Science
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which he expects to
be in a position to meet the full requirement in respect of special needs
teachers and special needs assistants in all schools throughout the country in
the coming year with particular reference to the need to address those areas
most seriously affected by demographic trends; and if he will make a statement
on the matter.
– Bernard J. Durkan.
For ORAL answer on Tuesday, 8th July, 2014.
Reference Number: 29372/14
Minister Ruairí Quinn
Expenditure supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs was some €1.3bn in
2013, which represents approximately 15% of the entire budget of my Department.
These resources have been protected, or in some areas have been increased in
2014 to take into account increased demand and demographic growth, despite the
ongoing severe financial position and a requirement to make expenditure savings
across a range of areas.
This year provision is being made for up to 10,965 Special Needs Assistants
(SNAs), of whom over 10,900 SNAs are initially being allocated to schools in
September, along with over 11,000 Learning Support and Resource Teachers.
More resources than ever before are being provided to ensure that the
educational requirements of children with special needs can continue to be met
at primary and second level and that as many children as possible can be
educated with their peers in mainstream education.
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