Update: Special Needs Classes in County Kildare – Education 8th October, 2014
8th October 2014 - Bernard Durkan TD
Ceist Pharlaiminte
Chun an Aire Oideachais agus Eolaíoctha
To the Minister for Education and Science
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the total number and location of
special needs classes at primary and second level throughout County Kildare at
present; if any augmentation is expected; and if she will make a statement on
the matter.
– Bernard J. Durkan.
* For WRITTEN answer on Wednesday, 8th October, 2014.
Reference Number: 38455/14
Minister Jan O’Sullivan
I wish to advise the Deputy that my Department’s policy focuses on ensuring
that all children with special educational needs can have access to an
education appropriate to their needs and abilities.
A range of placement options for pupils with special educational needs is
provided, in order to ensure that all pupils can receive a school placement.
Many pupils with special educational needs will be able to attend a local
mainstream school, whereas for pupils who have needs which require more
specialist interventions, special class and special school placements are
provided for.
The National Council for Special Education (NCSE), through its network of local
Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs), is responsible for establishing
special classes in various geographical areas as required. The NCSE operates
within my Department’s criteria in allocating such support.
SENOs engage with schools annually in order to plan for, and to open, new
special classes each year, in order to ensure there are sufficient special
class placements available at primary and post primary school level to meet
demand in a given area.
Details of all of the special classes for children with special educational
needs which are attached to mainstream schools are published each year the NCSE
website www.ncse.ie. This list details the number of classes which are
available on a per county basis.
I can advise that there were 40 special classes attached to primary schools and
9 special classes attached to post primary schools in Co. Kildare for the
2013/14 school year.
SENOs have been working with local schools on a national basis over the past
number of months to plan and establish special classes for children with
special educational needs who require such placements for 2014/2015. The
details of the total classes which will be provided for the 2014/15 school year
are currently being finalised by the NCSE and will shortly be published on
their website.
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