Update: Resolving Issues with General Practitioners 1st July 2014
1st July 2014 - Bernard Durkan TD
DÁIL QUESTION addressed to the Minister of State at the Department of Health (Mr White)
by Deputy Bernard J. Durkan
for WRITTEN ANSWER on 25/06/2014
* To ask the Minister for Health the degree to which he has had discussions with general practitioners in the context of resolving any outstanding issues of mutual concern; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Bernard J. Durkan T.D.
The Government is committed to introducing, on a phased basis, a universal GP service by 2016, as set out in the Programme for Government and the Future Health strategy framework. As announced in the Budget, it has been decided to commence the roll-out of a universal GP service by providing all children under 6 years with access to a GP service without fees. This will mean that almost half of the population will have access to GP services without fees.
In line with this policy, the Health (General Practitioner Service) Bill was published on 23rd April 2014 and is currently progressing through the Oireachtas. The Bill was debated and approved at Committee Stage on 19th June 2014 and it is intended that the legislation will be passed by the Oireachtas before the summer break. This will provide for a GP service to be made available without fees to all children aged five years and younger.
The introduction of this service also requires a new contractual framework to be put in place between the HSE and individual general practitioners.
A Framework Agreement with the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has recently been signed. This sets out a process for engagement concerning the GMS/GP contract and other publicly funded contracts involving General Practitioners (GPs), starting with the provision of GP care free at the point of access for children under 6 years. This will enable collaboration on the full implementation of a universal GP service and will allow progress on a new GMS GP contract. The HSE, Department and IMO are meeting today to commence discussions on a new GP contract for children under 6 years in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement.
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