Update: Reducing Class Sizes, 1st July 2015
1st July 2015 - Bernard Durkan TD
Uimhir:575, 581
Ceist Pharlaiminte
Chun an Aire Oideachais agus Eolaíoctha
To the Minister for Education and Science
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which provision is
ongoing to reduce class sizes/improve pupil teacher ratios in 2016; if specific
targets are being set in this regard; and if she will make a statement on the
– Bernard J. Durkan.
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which provision is
ongoing to reduce class sizes and to improve pupil teacher ratios in 2016, with
particular reference to County Kildare; if specific targets are being set in
this regard; and if she will make a statement on the matter.
-Bernard J. Durkan.
* For WRITTEN answer on Tuesday, 30th June, 2015.
Reference Number: 26398/15, 26404/15
Minister Jan O’Sullivan
I propose to take questions 575 and 581 together.
Teacher allocations to all schools are approved annually by my Department in
accordance with established rules based on recognised pupil enrolment. The
staffing schedule operates in a clear and transparent manner and treats all
similar types of schools equally irrespective of location. At primary level, it
currently operates on the basis of 1 classroom teacher for an average of every
28 pupils, with lower thresholds for DEIS Band 1 schools.
My focus in Budget 2015 was on obtaining the additional funding that was
necessary to provide for demographic growth. The last Budget included an
increase in spending on education for the first time in recent years, amounting
to additional funding of €60m during 2015. This funding will be used to provide
1,700 additional teachers and SNAs for our schools, as well as to fund
prioritised reforms, such as implementation of the literacy and numeracy
strategy, reform of junior cycle, and the introduction of education focussed
pre-school inspections. The improvements in the Primary Staffing Schedule for
small schools which I announced in February last are the only changes that I
will be making to the staffing arrangements for schools for the 2015/16 school
The staffing process for the 2016/17 school year at individual school level
will be initiated early in 2016. It is not possible at this stage to advise on
the staffing arrangements for the 2016/17 school year.
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