Update: Increasing Employment in Areas of the Public Sector, 3rd July 2015
3rd July 2015 - Bernard Durkan TD
DÁIL QUESTION addressed to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (Deputy Brendan Howlin)
by Deputy Bernard J. Durkan
for WRITTEN ANSWER on 02/07/2015
To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the extent to which he foresees the need to increase the numbers employed in various sensitive areas of the Public Sector, with a view to meeting ongoing needs; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
At Budget time last October, I announced an end to the Moratorium on Recruitment and Promotion in the Public Service, with new delegated management arrangements to be phased in during 2015. These delegated arrangements are designed to give Public Service managers the means to respond to service needs as they arise, including considerable flexibility to make staffing and service delivery decisions. As highlighted in the most recent Annual Progress Report on the Public Service Reform Plan, which issued in March, the new arrangements represent a significant shift from the central control of the Moratorium, and it has been made possible by the stability we have brought to the public finances and by the ‘Reform Dividend’ arising from service level efficiencies achieved under the Public Sector Reform programme. I have always maintained that Reform is about enhancing public services that respond to and meet the needs of our citizens, and the new staff management arrangements, where effectively managed, will help to underpin that.
In terms of recruitment in 2015, there is and will be a considerable level of recruitment across the Public Service, including in Health, Education and An Garda Síochaná. The timing and nature of the recruitment is a matter for the relevant Departments and Offices, in accordance with their assessment of priority needs within agreed budget allocations.
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