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Tribunal of inquiry must not become a gravy train for a few – Buttimer

22nd February 2017 - Jerry Buttimer TD

Fine Gael Cork Senator, Jerry Buttimer, has welcomed the approval of a Tribunal of Inquiry to investigate the alleged smear campaign against Garda whistleblower Maurice McCabe, but has urged that we must ensure the costs don’t run unreasonably high.

“The establishment of a Tribunal of Inquiry to investigate the alleged smear campaign against Sergeant McCabe is extremely welcome and I hope that the McCabe family will find truth and justice.

“In the pursuit of that truth and justice however, I hope that we do not take years to arrive at a conclusion.

“In the past, public inquiries often went down tangential routes, taking off down boreens and along avenues, lasting for many years in some cases. The Mahon Tribunal, which looked into the affairs of former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, amongst others, lasted 15 years and cost €200 million.

“This resulted in people becoming quite jaundiced and cynical about Tribunals.

“I also have a serious concern about cost.  While on the one hand you cannot put a price on justice, we must ensure that the cost to the tax payer is not unreasonably high. I sincerely hope that we do not allow this Tribunal to become a gravy train for a few”.