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Third intake of Garda recruits brings to 300 the total number of Gardaí in training- Farrell

3rd February 2015 - Aoife Carragher

“Yesterday’s (Monday) intake of new Garda recruits to Templemore is the third in only a matter of months and brings to 300 the number of new Gardaí in training”, says Alan Farrell, Dublin Fingal TD and Member of the Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality.

“Garda recruitment restarted in 2014 for the first time since the embargo was implemented 5 years earlier by the previous Government. In addition to this, a capital allocation of €42 million in 2015 has been made for the provision of three new Garda Divisional Headquarters, and €27.5 million has been provided for investment in the Garda fleet between 2012 and 2015.

“Despite the economic crisis which this Government inherited, we have continuously reiterated our commitment to ensuring that we have a strong and efficient system of policing. It is vital that we have a visible and effective police service which families, businesses and communities can rely on.

“An Garda Síochána is currently undergoing a series of reforms to ensure that it can meet the expectations of a 21st century police service and that it can begin the process of rebuilding the trust of the general public.

“Considerable progress has already been made in this regard; Minister Fitzgerald has published the General Scheme of a Bill to provide for the establishment of the new Independent Policing Authority, the Garda Síochána (Amendment No. 3) Bill 2014 has been introduced to Dáil Éireann and its passage has been prioritised to expand the remit and powers of GSOC, and The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 has amended the relevant legislation to allow members of the Gardaí to make “protected disclosures” to GSOC.

“Having been recently appointed to chair the Fine Gael Internal Justice Committee, I fully expect that the various reform Bills passing through the Oireachtas will keep both Minister Fitzgerald and I very busy. I would like to wish the new recruits the very best in their training and their future careers in the force.”

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