Social Welfare Update: Self-Employed Entitlements 14th November 2012
14th November 2012 - Bernard Durkan TD
To ask the Minister for Social Protection the extent to which it has been found possible to expedite the process for the determination of entitlement to basic social welfare payments in respect of persons previously self-employed; and if she will make a statement on the matter.
– Bernard J. Durkan.
* For WRITTEN answer on Tuesday, 13th November, 2012.
R E P L Y: Minister for Social Protection (Joan Burton T.D):
Self-employed workers may establish eligibility to assistance-based payments such as jobseeker’s allowance and disability allowance. In the case of jobseeker’s allowance they can apply for the means-tested jobseeker’s allowance if their business ceases or if they are on low income as a result of a downturn in demand for their services. In general, their means will take account of the level of earnings in the last twelve months in determining their expected income for the following year and, in the current climate, account is taken of the downward trend in the economy. As in the case of a non-self-employed claimant for jobseeker’s allowance or disability allowance, the means of husband/wife, civil partner or co-habitant will be taken into account in deciding on entitlement to a payment.
In order to qualify for the payment the Department must be satisfied as to the person’s income or potential income. All facts and evidence are taken into consideration and every case is fully investigated and a decision taken on the individual circumstances of the case. The customer does not need to stop self-employment in order to qualify for payment. However if their self-employment has stopped, evidence of cessation may be requested. While claims are processed as quickly as possible, delays may occur where information or documentation is not furnished in a timely manner.
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