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Sinn Féin would fail our Gardaí – Brophy

26th September 2024 - Colm Brophy TD

Sinn Féin would completely fail our Gardaí given half the chance, a Fine Gael TD has said.

Deputy Colm Brophy said that Sinn Féin’s alternative budget shows they have no ambition for the justice sector.

Deputy Brophy said: “Fine Gael’s Minister for Justice Helen McEntee already has measures in place to continue the positive trend in Garda recruitment to the point where we are providing funding for 1,000 new Garda trainees annually. Sinn Féin calling for the same thing is not going to make it happen – the work is underway. The Minister only yesterday indicated that radical measures will be needed to further support garda recruitment and she is taking those actions.

“Sinn Féin has no ambition for the justice sector and no understanding of the needs of a modern police force. Fine Gael, under Minister Helen McEntee is equipping our Gardaí for 21st century policing with body-worn cameras, handheld devices for roads policing, new vehicles, better public order equipment and a move towards the use of facial recognition technology. Incredibly, Sinn Féin’s alternative budget has no money set aside for Garda equipment or technology.

“Minister McEntee has doubled the Garda training allowance in the last 12 months and has linked it to public sector wage agreements for the first time.

“This is one of a number of actions she is taking to support Garda recruitment and retention.  Other actions have included increasing the age of entry into An Garda Síochána from 35 to 50, increasing the retirement age and commencing a new Garda reserve competition in which 1,800 people applied.

“Sinn Féin call for more domestic violence refuges, another thing that’s already happening. They don’t provide additional money to Cuan, the new DSGBV Agency, which funds day to day running costs. This has been a major priority for Minister McEntee.

“Sinn Féin also provide a paltry sum for prisons. The Government’s plan is to recruit more prison officers, more staff, and open more spaces. Fine Gael’s plan is to increase the number of prison spaces by 1,100 by 2030 and is looking at a possible new Prison on the Thornton Hall site.”

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