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Removing VAT on sunscreen not just a bright idea – Byrne

2nd August 2024 - Senator Maria Byrne

Luxury VAT on life saving sunscreen products must be scrapped, a Fine Gael Senator has said.

Senator Maria Byrne said, “Currently, sunscreen carries a 20% VAT as it is categorised as a cosmetic product rather than a necessary medical item.

“We sometimes think Irish sun ‘isn’t real sun’, but the reality is stark: skin cancer is our most common type of cancer in Ireland today, with 13,000 diagnoses made each year. This number is projected to more than double by 2045.

“Considering skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in Ireland and largely preventable through UV protection, it is imperative that we reclassify sunscreen to reflect its importance to public health. Sunscreen is not a luxury; it’s a lifesaver.

“Even on cloudy days, ultraviolet radiation levels in Ireland are often high enough to damage skin and increase the risk of skin cancer.

“Another cloudy country, the Netherlands, introduced free sun protection in public spaces to address rising levels of skin cancer.

“This proactive measure highlights how far behind we are in Ireland in terms of skin cancer prevention. If the Dutch can recognize the importance of accessible sun protection, so can we.

“While additional campaigns are necessary to raise awareness about the preventability of skin cancer, making suncream as affordable as possible is fundamental.

“The Irish Cancer Society have long been advocating for this, highlighting the importance of accessibility in accessing sunscreen products.

“This should be a straightforward decision. Reducing the VAT on sunscreen is a crucial step towards ensuring that everyone can protect themselves this summer.” Senator Byrne concluded.


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