Public Expenditure and Reform: Stabilisation of National Pay Bill 10th October 2013
10th October 2013 - Bernard Durkan TD
To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the extent to which the national pay bill has been stabilised or reduced since he took up office; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
– Bernard J. Durkan.
* For WRITTEN answer on Wednesday, 9th October, 2013.
Ref No: 42746/13
Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform ( Mr Howlin) :
I would refer the Deputy to the Analysis of Exchequer Pay and Pensions Bill 2007 €“ 2012, published by my Department. This publication presents a detailed breakdown of both gross and net pay and pension expenditure in aggregate terms, by sector and by individual Vote and is available on my Department’s website at under the Reports tab.
In addition the deputy will be aware, that Ireland is committed to reducing its general government deficit to less than 3% by 2015. If the public service pay and pensions bill at 36% of spending is to make a proportionate contribution to the necessary additional expenditure reduction currently identified as necessary for the next 3 years based on current economic forecasts, it requires a further reduction of some €1 billion in the cost of the pay and pensions bill with €300 million of that saving to be delivered in 2013. On this basis the Government through public service employers entered into discussions with public service unions to achieve agreement on the necessary reductions. They negotiated a difficult and complex set of proposals under the Haddington Road Agreement which will deliver the necessary €1bn saving in the public service pay and pensions bill by 2015 while ameliorating the impacts for public service staff on low and middle incomes to the greatest extent possible.
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