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Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government

8th March 2012 - Olivia Mitchell TD

To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if the public tender requirement still applies for works on unfinished housing estates funded from the €5 million allocated to complete estates; if so, if there is scope to relax some of the planning requirements in cases where the builder is still available and on site and where local authorities consider using the existing builder more efficient; and if he will make a statement on the matter?


Department of Finance Public Procurement Guidelines require that all contracts of €5,000 or above be awarded on the basis of responses to specifications sent by fax or email to at least three suppliers or service providers.

Under the Public Safety Initiative, my Department has approved applications to fund, inter alia, the fencing off of unsecured and hazardous areas, capping of pipes, installation of street lighting and other works to secure sites in Category 4 developments. Category 4 developments are, by definition, those where the development has been abandoned by the developer and is posing serious problems for residents. The possibility, therefore, of employing the original developer to carry out works under the public safety initiative does not arise.

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