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Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Education and Skills

26th January 2012 - Olivia Mitchell TD

To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding a school
(details supplied) in Dublin 14 which currently has two teachers allocated to
it under the giving children an even break scheme; if the school is likely to
lose a teacher; and if he will make a statement on the matter?

[Holy Cross NS Dundrum Dublin 14]


The announcement I made on the 11th January in relation to my Department
reporting to me within four weeks refers only to the impact of the withdrawal
of certain posts allocated under previous disadvantaged schemes in DEIS Band 1
and Band 2 primary schools.

The School to which the Deputy refers is not included as part of this report as
the school in question is not included in the DEIS programme but retained, on a
concessionary basis, teaching posts from previous disadvantged schemes. My
Department is finalising the staffing allocations for schools for 2012/13 and
is not in a position at the moment to give details as to how this measure
affects individual schools. In addition to the budget measures, consideration
must be given to the effect of increases and decreases in enrolment on schools’
staffing entitlements annually.

Schools will be notified in the coming weeks of their staffing entitlements
under the new arrangement for 2012/13.


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