News & Statements
Speedy solution on Garda safety cameras is possible – Collins
Fine Gael TD for Cork North West, Áine Collins, today (Thursday) suggested a practical solution to ensure the sustainability of our national speed camera network. Deputy Collins was speaking after her questioning of the Garda Síochána Commissioner at the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) today (Thursday), on the management and effectiveness of Go Safe Cameras.
Speedy solution on Garda safety cameras is possible – Collins
Fine Gael TD for Cork North West, Áine Collins, today (Thursday) suggested a practical solution to ensure the sustainability of our national speed camera network. Deputy Collins was speaking after her questioning of the Garda Síochána Commissioner at the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) today (Thursday), on the management and effectiveness of Go Safe Cameras.
Upward momentum continues as record €17.1bn in exports by Enterprise Ireland client companies in 2013
2013 saw the best performance in over a decade in export growth and net job creation by Enterprise Ireland client companies, as detailed in Enterprise Ireland’s Annual Report and Accounts for 2013, published today.
Upward momentum continues as record €17.1bn in exports by Enterprise Ireland client companies in 2013
2013 saw the best performance in over a decade in export growth and net job creation by Enterprise Ireland client companies, as detailed in Enterprise Ireland’s Annual Report and Accounts for 2013, published today.
Welcome efficiencies in workplace relations – Heydon
Fine Gael TD for Kildare South Martin Heydon, has welcomed this week’s announcement by Minister Richard Bruton TD, of Government approval for the Workplace Relations Bill 2014, which will reduce from five to two, the number of workplace relations bodies in the State.
Welcome efficiencies in workplace relations – Heydon
Fine Gael TD for Kildare South Martin Heydon, has welcomed this week’s announcement by Minister Richard Bruton TD, of Government approval for the Workplace Relations Bill 2014, which will reduce from five to two, the number of workplace relations bodies in the State.
Update: Rural Schools of Protestant Ethos 9th July 2014
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which he expects to be in a position to meet the concerns and requirements of the patrons of smaller rural schools of the Protestant ethos...
Update: Special Needs Teachers & Assistants 9th July 2014
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which he expects to be in a position to meet the full requirement in respect of special needs teachers and special needs assistants in all schools throughout the country...
€289,000 in funding for Offaly social housing – Corcoran Kennedy
Fine Gael Laois/Offaly TD, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy, has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan TD, that 19 vacant homes in the Offaly area are to be brought back into use within twelve months.
€440,000 in funding to benefit Dublin West social housing – Keating
Fine Gael Dublin Mid-West TD, Derek Keating, has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan TD, that 35 vacant homes in the Dublin South County Council area, which covers Dublin Mid-West, are to be brought back into use within twelve months.