News & Statements
New awareness campaign needed to highlight HIV risks to young gay men – Buttimer
Speaking this morning at a conference in Dublin Castle on HIV prevention, Fine Gael Cork South Central TD and Chairman of the Oireachtas Health Committee, Jerry Buttimer, said that a new awareness campaign is needed to highlight the risk of HIV, particularly amongst young gay men.
Weekly Message From An Taoiseach Enda Kenny
On Easter Sunday, I will once again take place in the 1916 commemorations on O’Connell Street and will be privileged to join those honouring this important landmark in our country’s history.
Prostitution, trafficking and modern slavery in Europe – Council of Europe
Mde President, Assembly colleagues, I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to speak and to support the proposals in this report. I want to congratulate Mr. Mendes Bota on his open-minded, sensitive and even-handed approach to establishing a causal relationship between the different prostitution related policies and trafficking.
Chambers Ireland proposals on procurement worthy of serious consideration – English
Fine Gael Meath West TD and Chairman of the Oireachtas Jobs Committee, Damien English, has said that proposals from Chambers Ireland on how to improve our public procurement system are worthy of serious consideration.
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Bill 2014 Second Stage Speech
It is now 15 years since the Equality Authority was established, and 14 years since the establishment of the Human Rights Commission. In that time, the demographic, social and economic fabric of the State has continued to change profoundly.
Rehab review welcome, but outstanding questions remain for the board – Harris
Fine Gael Wicklow/East Carlow TD and member of the Public Accounts Committee, Simon Harris, has today (Tuesday) said that the appointment by Rehab of the independent management consultant, Dr Eddie Molloy, to conduct a review of the organisation is a welcome development for the group which should help to address concerns about its corporate governance.
€30 million investment in Agri-Food signifies strength of the sector
Major investment in Mitchelstown to create 50 jobs as Agri-Food exercises its strength in sustainable job creation
Funding awarded to promote understanding of EU among our young people – Donohoe
Minister for European Affairs, Paschal Donohoe, has today (Thursday) congratulated 11 groups who have been awarded funding under the Department of the Taoiseach’s Communicating Europe Initiative (CEI).
Housing Agency report underlines need for action on housing crisis – Byrne
Fine Gael Dublin South Central TD, Catherine Byrne, has today (Monday) said that the recent report from the Housing Agency, which showed that almost 40,000 new homes will be needed in Dublin over the next four years, underlines the need for action to address the housing crisis.
Let’s not blame grandparents for our childhood obesity problem – Mitchell O’Connor
Fine Gael Dun Laoghaire TD and member of the Oireachtas Health Committee, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, has today (Monday) said we can’t blame grandparents for our rising childhood problem.