News & Statements
Update: Resolving Issues with General Practitioners 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for Health the degree to which he has had discussions with general practitioners in the context of resolving any outstanding issues of mutual concern...
Update: Restoration of Medical Cards 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for Health the extent to which discretionary medical cards withdrawn under review in recent times with particular reference to those with special illness or needs, are likely to be restored in the near future...
Update: Review of Wind Energy Guidelines 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the extent to which his Departments review of The Wind Energy Guidelines 2006, issued under section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 in respect of noise, proximity and shadow flicker is now complete...
Update: Shared Ownership Loans and Mortgages 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the action taken to date to address the outstanding issues in respect of existing shared ownership loans and mortgages...
Update: Slaughtering within the Beef Industry 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the total number of beef processors currently slaughtering animals throughout the country...
Update: Sports Capital Programme 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the extent to which he expects to be in a position to encourage the various local sporting organisations by way of grant aid...
Update: Staffing Levels in the Public Health Sector 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for Health the degree to which staffing levels remain adequate throughout the public health service...
Update: Unfinished Housing Estates 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the number of housing estates in County Kildare the development of which is deemed to be incomplete...
Update: Waiting Lists in Hospitals 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for Health the extent to which patients presenting for what are deemed to be non-emergency or non urgent procedures are put on waiting lists for prolonged periods...
Update: Water Supply Sources 1st July 2014
To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the extent to which plans are in hand to tap into new water supply sources...