News & Statements
BBC’s Top Gear visit to Kerry welcomed by Griffin
Kerry Fine Gael TD, Brendan Griffin is warmly welcoming the announcement today (Wednesday) by Top Gear presenter, Chris Evans, that the programme is to visit Kerry this week.
Incremental Purchase Scheme allows social housing tenants buy their home, but terms should be extended – Doyle
Fine Gael TD for Wicklow, Andrew Doyle, has welcomed the new Incremental Purchase Scheme which will allow social housing tenants to buy their first home. However he has called for the scheme to be extended to include those living in houses acquired by the council, as part of the Part V social and affordable scheme.
Keenans must be kept open for the sake of workers and the south Carlow economy – Deering
Fine Gael TD for Carlow/Kilkenny, Pat Deering, has expressed regret at the appointment of receivers to Keenan System, a cattle feed company based in Borris. Deputy Deering highlighted the importance of keeping Keenan System in operation for the good of the south Carlow economy.
Big multinationals need to get on board with country by country reporting – Hayes
Brian Hayes, Fine Gael MEP, has said that big multinational companies need to work with new country by country proposals, that will come from the European Commission this week.
New compulsory emergency packs for cars should include glass breaking hammer – Rock
Statement from Fine Gael
High speed broadband to be delivered for 12 additional communities in Louth – Fitzpatrick
Fitzpatrick committed to delivering high speed broadband in all rural areas of Co Louth
McEntee calls for 50% of road budget to be allocated to North Meath
Fine Gael TD for Meath East, Helen McEntee has called for 50% of next year’s roads funding to be spent in North Meath, as a concerted effort is needed to bring roads up to standard with the rest of the county.
Statement from Fine Gael
Top Gear visit to Kerry a huge success with TV show to air in coming weeks – Griffin
KERRY Fine Gael TD, Brendan Griffin, says that the Top Gear visit to Kerry appears to have been an enormous success and anticipates a huge boost to Kerry tourism when the programme airs in the coming weeks.