News & Statements
Minister Fitzgerald confirms 116000 Missing Children’s Hotline now operational on 24/7 basis
Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, has today confirmed that the 116000 Hotline for Missing Children, operated by the ISPCC, which was commenced in December 2012 on a reduced hours pilot basis, is now operating on a full time 24/7 basis. Full time operation of the line started this week
Minister Fitzgerald responds to the publication of reviews of safeguarding practice in six Catholic Dioceses and one Religious Congregation.
Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, today acknowledged the publication of a further seven reviews conducted by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church (NBSCCC) into safeguarding practices at both diocesan and Religious Congregation level.
Farmers with fodder difficulties urged to avail of support
Dáil Debate on the Non-Use of Motor Vehicles 2013
As stated on numerous occasions, this legislation will close the loophole in our motor taxation system that is costing the taxpayer in excess of €50 million per annum. It will ensure a more fair and transparent system for road users.
Funding for Fingal rural development programme
Fine Gael TD Alan Farrell has said that funding for Fingal LEADER Partnership can now be accessed for rural economic development via a €90 million fund, announced by Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan today in the Dáil.
Funding for Fingal rural development programme
Fine Gael TD Alan Farrell has said that funding for Fingal LEADER Partnership can now be accessed for rural economic development via a €90 million fund, announced by Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan today in the Dáil.
Information campaign kicks off to help those struggling with debt find a way out
Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal, Alan Farrell has said the launch today of Insolvency Service Ireland's public information campaign will allow those who are struggling with the burden of debt to find a way out of their financial difficulties.
Information campaign kicks off to help those struggling with debt find a way out
Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal, Alan Farrell has said the launch today of Insolvency Service Ireland's public information campaign will allow those who are struggling with the burden of debt to find a way out of their financial difficulties.
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Justice and Equality
To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality if it is possible, under the Personal Insolvency Act, to include other professions such as financial brokers to act as personal insolvency practitioners; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Feighan reveals €3.25m now paid out in compensation to turfcutters
Fine Gael TD for Roscommon/South Leitrim, Frank Feighan, has revealed that to date €3.25m has been paid out in compensation to turfcutters, with more than 35% of the compensation issued going to Roscommon turfcutters.