News & Statements

Noone highlights potential of CSR as €13 million provided to good causes by businesses

Fine Gael Dublin Senator, Catherine Noone, has today spoken of the potential for companies to work together on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects in order to make real changes in the communities in which they are based. Senator Noone’s comments coincided with the launch of Business In The Community Ireland’s Impact Map, which highlighted over 1,900 community partnerships taking place right across Dublin which were supported by 46 companies in association with Business In The Community.

Inquiries, Privileges and Procedures Bill 2013

I thank the Government for introducing this Bill. Regardless of the outcome of the inquiries referendum in 2011, and judging by the number of Deputies who have spoken on this matter in recent days, I believe there is a strong public and political appetite for the proposed powers to be enshrined in legislation so as to ensure public representatives in the Houses can hold to account those who spend public money and who are involved in governance.

Ireland and the Eurozone: Motion (Private Members)

I too am pro-European. The European Union is good for us as European citizens. With the protections and benefits it offers us, we are all better off as workers, travellers, women and students. There is almost no area of life that has not benefited from or been enhanced by the rights and privileges that have flown to us from Europe over the years. That is not to mention the improvement in our infrastructure owing to EU funding and the funds that still flow to us to allow banks to open every morning.