News & Statements
North County set to receive further ‘Next Generation’ investment by 2015
Towns in north county Dublin will receive further investment in telecommunications infrastructure between now and 2015 as part of a national roll out of next generation broadband services, according to Alan Farrell, Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal. Deputy Farrell has welcomed this timely announcement on foot of today's launch of Government's National Digital Strategy, aimed at a country wide adoption of digital engagement and building hardware that will focus on meeting modern day demand.
Dáil Speech on Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill (Monday 1st July 2013)
Social Protection: Reducing Inefficiency in Social Welfare Payments Processing 10th July 2013
To ask the Minister for Social Protection the extent to which various forms for social welfare payments may be simplified...
Courts and Civil Law Bill 2013
I would like to thank the Minister for bringing this Bill before the House. This legislation aims to make two very important changes in our legal system. First of all, it sets out to achieve transparency of family law practices by abolishing the 'in camera' rule, and secondly, to achieve efficiency and affordability within our courts service.
North County set to receive further ‘Next Generation’ investment by 2015
Towns in north county Dublin will receive further investment in telecommunications infrastructure between now and 2015 as part of a national roll out of next generation broadband services, according to Alan Farrell, Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal. Deputy Farrell has welcomed this timely announcement on foot of today's launch of Government's National Digital Strategy, aimed at a country wide adoption of digital engagement and building hardware that will focus on meeting modern day demand.
Dáil Speech on Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill (Monday 1st July 2013)
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Education and Skills
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will consider extending membership of the supplementary assignment panel for special needs assistants to those who were made redundant prior to 1 May 2013 and SNAs involved in service in 2012/13 in a suitable capacity as the panel militates unfairly against such SNAs; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill Report Stage Resumed
Last night I mentioned a minor worry I had about the absence of the words "imminent nor inevitable" which were part of the original Supreme Court judgment.
Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Report Stage
The nub of this legislation rests in sections 7 to 9, in inclusive, which detail the physical threat to health, emergency situations and suicidal intent. The debate, particularly in recent weeks, has focused on section 9, which deals with suicidal intent. The suggestion from some is that hordes of suicidal pregnant women will suddenly come forward and these will run rings around professional psychiatrists. There is also a suggestion that these women may only "think" they are suicidal and that they should be locked up for their own protection. The reality is that women in crisis pregnancies, whether suicidal or not, will continue to do what they have always done when this legislation is passed, as I hope it will be. They will go to England. To stay in Ireland and subject themselves to the process we are putting in place means they would be suicidal when finished with it if they are not when they begin.
€375k in new funding to support aviation sector in Ireland – Minister Bruton
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today (Monday) launched the new Enterprise Ireland €375K Competitive Feasibility Fund aimed at stimulating new start-ups, or expansion of existing business activity in the aviation sector.