News & Statements

Dail Question on the EU Mortgage Directive

To ask the Minister for Finance if he will outline the impact that the European mortgage credit rules contained in the Mortgage Credit Directive will have on the mortgage industry here; the way it will impact on the rights of future mortgage holders; if these rights will be applied to current mortgage holders; if it is expected to increase the availability of mortgage credit through financial institutions; the level of accountability to the European Council that will be imposed on financial institutions; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Dáil Question on the Pyrite Resolution Board

To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will provide an update on the Pyrite Resolution Board and the establishment of the remediation process; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Dáil Question on the introduction of online patient records

To ask the Minister for Health if he will advise on the possibility of introducing an online database of patients records to be made accessible to all medical professionals within the Health Service Executive; the data sharing databases that are in place currently throughout the HSE; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Dáil Question on the legislation to allow for an Oireacthas banking inquiry

To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will outline the aim of the proposed bill to allow for a banking enquiry; the resources that will be made available to the committee selected to carry out the proceedings; the timeframe that has been given for the completion of the enquiry; the projected cost of this enquiry to the Exchequer; the way the Oireachtas will be protected from making adverse findings against individuals; if the enquiry will affect in any way, judicial proceedings; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Conway congratulates Pakey on appointment as CEO at Shannon Airport

Fine Gael Clare Senator, Martin Conway, has welcomed the announcement by the Board of Shannon Airport Authority PLC (Shannon Airport) of the appointment of Neil Pakey as the company’s new CEO. The announcement was made today by the Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, Leo Varadkar TD.

Kehoe welcomes signing of €6million contract for Gorey Sewerage Scheme

WEXFORD Minister of State and Government Chief Whip, Paul Kehoe TD has welcomed Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan TD's decision to approve funding for Wexford County Council to accept a tender to the value of €6,346,023 for the Gorey Sewerage Scheme - Extension of Courtown Wastewater Treatment Plant.