News & Statements
Conway welcomes the new legislation to reduce number of people imprisoned for not paying fines
Fine Gael Senator and Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Disability and Equality, Martin Conway, has today (Wednesday) welcomed the passage of the Fines (Payment and Recovery) Bill 2013 through Seanad Éireann.
Flanagan calls for stud farms to be given special status in consideration of wind farm planning applications
Speaking this evening in the Dáil during the Private Members’ Debate on wind turbines, Fine Gael Chairman and Laois/Offaly TD, Charlie Flanagan, called for stud farms and racehorse training facilities to be designated as ‘noise sensitive properties’ when planning applications are being considered for wind farm developments.
Harris thanks his ‘shadow’ Conor for all his help on Job Shadow Day
Fine Gael Wicklow/East Carlow TD Simon Harris has extended his thanks to Conor Coffey for all his assistance throughout today in the Dáil while ‘shadowing’ the Fine Gael TD.
Kyne pursues inheritance rights for foster children
Fine Gael TD for Galway West, Sean Kyne, has welcomed the commitment by the Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan TD, to review the matter of inheritance rights for foster children.
Minister Bruton launches National Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Mr. Richard Bruton T.D., today (Wednesday) launched “Good for Business, Good for the Community”, Ireland’s National Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility 2014-2016.
Minister Shatter publishes the Criminal Assets Bureau Annual Report for the year ending 31 December 2012
The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter TD, has today laid the Annual Report on the activities of the Criminal Assets Bureau for 2012 before the Houses of the Oireachtas. This is the seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau since its establishment in 1996.
New awareness campaign needed to highlight HIV risks to young gay men – Buttimer
Speaking this morning at a conference in Dublin Castle on HIV prevention, Fine Gael Cork South Central TD and Chairman of the Oireachtas Health Committee, Jerry Buttimer, said that a new awareness campaign is needed to highlight the risk of HIV, particularly amongst young gay men.
Weekly Message From An Taoiseach Enda Kenny
On Easter Sunday, I will once again take place in the 1916 commemorations on O’Connell Street and will be privileged to join those honouring this important landmark in our country’s history.
Prostitution, trafficking and modern slavery in Europe – Council of Europe
Mde President, Assembly colleagues, I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to speak and to support the proposals in this report. I want to congratulate Mr. Mendes Bota on his open-minded, sensitive and even-handed approach to establishing a causal relationship between the different prostitution related policies and trafficking.
Chambers Ireland proposals on procurement worthy of serious consideration – English
Fine Gael Meath West TD and Chairman of the Oireachtas Jobs Committee, Damien English, has said that proposals from Chambers Ireland on how to improve our public procurement system are worthy of serious consideration.