News & Statements

EU-US trade deal will reduce red tape and boost SME growth – Kelly

Seán Kelly, Fine Gael MEP for Ireland South, has called for a strong harmonisation of business regulations to be prioritised in the ongoing EU- US trade or Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP) negotiations, in order to boost SME growth. Mr Kelly was speaking as Ireland's only member of the Parliament's Trade Committee, ahead of a major TTIP information seminar he is hosting in the European Parliament's Dublin Office on Tuesday, May 26th. Business leaders, elected representatives and media in attendance will receive an overview of the EU-US trade talks, ongoing negotiations, possible outcomes and the potential such a deal holds for Ireland.

€20 million Waterford Courthouse to go to construction before year end – Minister Coffey

Fine Gael Waterford Minister Paudie Coffey has said that he has received confirmation from his colleague the Minister for Justice Frances FitzGerald that the new Waterford City Courthouse is due to go to construction before the end of this year. Minister Coffey said that this is a significant investment in Waterford City and will mean the number of courtrooms trebling from two to six by the time it is completed.

Minister Coffey welcomes additional supports to assist people in mortgage arrears

Fine Gael Waterford Minister Paudie Coffey has welcomed the announcement that the framework to support mortgage holders in arrears has been strengthened. Minister Coffey said while the number of people in mortgage difficulties has decreased significantly it is good news that those still in difficulty are being provided with a stronger options to assist them deal with their arrears issues and stay in their own homes.

New tax refund scheme for start-ups – Minister Coffey

Fine Gael Waterford Minister Paudie Coffey has said a new tax refund scheme aimed at start-ups will help nurture and develop the culture of entrepreneurship in Ireland. Minister Coffey said the new scheme called called Start Up Refunds for Entrepreneurs (SURE), means entrepreneurs will be able to claim a tax refund of up to 41% of the capital they invest in starting their business.

Ireland’s tax system is fair and progressive- Hayes

Fine Gael MEP for Dublin, Brian Hayes, today (Thursday), said that populist proposals to increase tax on high income earners do not make economic sense given Ireland's fair and progressive system of taxation.

No side arguments exposed by independent Referendum Commission- Coveney

The Director of Elections for the Fine Gael Marriage Equality Campaign, Minister Simon Coveney TD, has welcomed this morning’s (Wednesday) clarification from the Chair of the Referendum Commission Justice Kevin Cross that the upcoming referendum is not about surrogacy, adoption or a right to parenthood.