News & Statements
Committee will complete work in timeframe – Noone
Homeowners need to be protected from disproportionate property tax increases – Madigan
Homeowners cannot be disproportionally hit with any property tax increases, a Fine Gael TD has said.
Government should back Dublin bid for Formula E Race – Rock
A Fine Gael TD has today (Tuesday) called on the Government to back a potential bid for a Formula E race in Dublin.
Investigation into odourless gas has to be carried out without delay – Ring
Minister for Rural and Community Development and Mayo TD, Michael Ring, has called for the investigation into how non-odourised gas was introduced into a gas network to be carried out immediately.
New laws being examined for data centre planning – Breen
The Government is examining new laws in a bid to speed up future data centre planning proposals, Minister of State with special responsibility for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Pat Breen has revealed.
€108,000 capital funding for Little Deers crèche in Ennistymon- Conway
Some €108,000 will be made available to facilitate the relocation of the Little Deers crèche in Ennistymon to an alternative site, Clare Senator Martin Conway has said.
Eir price hike makes telephone allowance restoration more vital than ever – Rock
Dublin North West TD, Noel Rock, has said it is "more vital than ever" that Budget 2018 considers the restoration of the phone allowance for elderly people following another hike in the monthly line rental charge by €84 a year by Eir.
Fianna Fáil criticising job creation is laughable, the facts speak for themselves- O’Dowd
Fine Gael TD Fergus O’Dowd has rubbished Fianna Fáil's deluded comments around job creation, stating the facts speak for themselves.
An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Ministers Ring and Moran launch new €10 million scheme to improve non-public roads in rural areas
The Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) supports improvement works on private/non-public roads. Often these roads lead to multiple residences, parcels of land that support agricultural activity or amenities such as lakes, rivers or the ocean.
Work to commence on the M7 widening as contract awarded – Heydon
Kildare South Fine Gael TD, Martin Heydon, has today (Thursday) said that the awarding of the contract for the three elements of the M7 project, which includes the widening to 3 lanes, is further progress and secures the timelines on this critical project.