News & Statements
Special measures to help ‘Just Transition’ in the Midlands – Corcoran Kennedy
The Midlands region has been specifically catered for by Fine Gael in Budget 2020 to help mitigate the impact on moving away from fossil fuels for Bord na Móna workers, a Laois /Offaly TD has said.
Making life easier for families and protecting our environment are Budget 2020 priorities – Fine Gael
Ahead of Budget 2020, Fine Gael is ensuring the correct measures are taken to prepare Ireland for a no-deal Brexit. We are also prioritising action on climate, investment in our infrastructure and we are making life easier for families as opposed to the rash and reckless fantasy economics of opposition parties.
Child maintenance agency must be priority for Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality – O’Malley Dunlop
A statutory agency to ensure child maintenance is paid should be part of the work of the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality, a Fine Gael General Election candidate has said.
Speech by the Leader of Fine Gael, An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar TD at the Fine Gael Presidential Dinner
A theachtaí, a sheanadóirí, an Íar-Thaoiseach, a comhlachaí. Óiche maith agaibh.
Teens must not be ignored in revamp of night-time culture – Higgins
Teenagers must have real alternatives to underage drinking and should be included in the review of night culture in Ireland, a bye election candidate has said.
Lombard calls for Communicorp executives to appear at Dáil Committee
The Chairperson and Chief Executive of Communicorp should appear before a Dáil Committee to explain the selective banning of journalists from its radio stations, a Fine Gael Senator has said.
O’Donnell repeats demands for insurance companies to pass soaring profits back to hard pressed customers
Fine Gael Senator Kieran O’Donnell has today re-affirmed his call to insurance companies to immediately pass soaring profits back to hard-pressed customers through reduced premiums.
Sinn Féin full of hot air and hypocrisy on climate – Corcoran Kennedy
Sinn Féin have again proved themselves to be full of hot air when it comes to climate action in their hypocritical alternative budget, a Fine Gael TD has said.
Sinn Féin’s budget proposal to increase inheritance tax is an attack on middle Ireland – Brophy
Sinn Féin’s budget proposals would attack middle Ireland through a proposed increase in inheritance tax, a Fine Gael TD has said.
New Armed Support Unit for Cavan- Monaghan will make a real difference to local policing – O’Reilly
A new Garda Armed Support Unit deployed in Cavan-Monaghan from today for the border region will make a real difference to local policing, a Fine Gael Senator has said.