News & Statements

Was PAC Chairman’s €84,000 expenses value for money?

John McGuinness and team claimed €84,000 in expenses in under two years while Junior Minister. Figures released to Alan Farrell, Fine Gael TD for Dublin North, today (Wednesday) show that the Public Accounts Committee Chair, John McGuinness TD, and his team claimed €84,000 in expenses in just twenty two months when he was a Junior Minister in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

Dáil Question on government action to reduce sale of counterfeit goods

To ask the Minister for Finance the measures taken by him in order to minimise the impact of counterfeit goods on the Exchequer; if he intends to introduce harsher penalities as called for by Retail Ireland; if he will consider a public awareness campaign to highlight to consumers the effect illegal trading has on the economy; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Dail Question on capping prescription charges

To ask the Minister for Health his views on the possibility of imposing a monthly cap on prescription charges in order to ensure that persons with multiple prescriptions are not discouraged from purchasing medication; and if he will make a statement on the matter.