News & Statements
Shannon could develop an IFSC style strategy – Breen
“Shannon could develop a strategy similar to the proposed strategy for the IFSC in Dublin”, says Fine Gael Clare TD and Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, Pat Breen.
Taoiseach and Minister for Justice visit Garda College Templemore as 100 new recruits start training
Third intake to the Garda College in a matter of months; 100 new recruits entered training in Templemore today.
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Education and Skills
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if her attention has been drawn to the gross under provision of primary school places in the Goatstown area, Dublin 14, where the local schools application for September 2015 is four times the potential intake; and if she will make a statement on the matter.
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government
To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the restrictions in terms of categories of spending by local authorities, that have been applied to moneys raised from local property tax; the minimum or maximum spending caps that have been applied to the various spending categories; and if he will make a statement on the matter?
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Social Protection
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection if the newly established Pensions Council will be monitoring the implementation of the recommendations in the report on pension charges 2012; and if she will make a statement on the matter?
Special Educational Needs Service Provision
I am thankful for the opportunity to raise with the Minister for Education and Skills, Deputy Jan O'Sullivan, the overall shortage of secondary school places for children with autism spectrum disorder and the additional difficulties raised by the application of an admissions policy for ASD classes that protects a particular religious ethos.
Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, at the Launch of the Regional Action Plans for Jobs Strategy
Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Croke Park for the launch of the Government’s €250 million plan to ensure that no part of Ireland is left behind in the jobs recovery.
€9m FF airstrip white elephant a classic example of their approach to Govt – McFadden
“Two unused airstrips built on the west coast at a cost of €9 million is a classic example of the Fianna Fáil ‘if we have it, we spend it’ approach to government,” says Gabrielle McFadden, Fine Gael TD for Longford Westmeath and member of the Public Accounts Committee.
Affordable Housing must be reinstated for Dublin area in new planning and development legislation- Keane
Fine Gael Senator for Dublin South-West, Cáit Keane, has called on Minister of State with responsibility for Housing, Paudie Coffey, to re- instate an affordable housing provision for the Dublin area in newly proposed planning legislation. Senator Keane was speaking after the presentation of various Irish planning stakeholders to the Joint Oireachtas Environment, Culture and Gaeltacht Committee meeting this week where the general scheme of the Planning and Development (no. 1) Bill 2014 was discussed. Social housing provision, development contributions, a vacant site levy and planning permissions were the main issues addressed at the meeting.
Exemption from new mortgage rules for those in negative equity – Heydon
Fine Gael Kildare South TD, Martin Heydon, has said that the new mortgage guidelines issued by the Central Bank this week do not apply fully to those who already own a house and are in negative equity.