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Budget speech, Minister for Finance Mr. Michael Noonan, T.D. 13th October 2015
2016, the centenary of the Easter Rising, is an opportunity to reflect on the journey travelled over the past 100 years. To recall the many major social and economic challenges along the way. It is the opportunity to celebrate the achievements, and to remember how we overcame the challenges and emerged from each stronger than ever before.
Expression of Sympathy by An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
I know I can speak for all in this House when I express deep shock and sadness at the deaths over the last weekend in separate but equally tragic events
Family friendly Budget will help make work pay – O’Dowd
Fine Gael TD for Louth, Fergus O’Dowd, has said that childcare measures unveiled in Budget 2016 will help make work pay, as well as improving the quality of the childcare available.
Free GP care now extended to all children aged 11 and under – Buttimer
Fine Gael TD for Cork South Central, and Chairperson of the Oireachtas Committee on Health, Jerry Buttimer, has said the further extension of free GP care to all children aged 11 and under is great news for families around the country.
Free preschool for all children from age 3 to primary school and first ever paid paternal leave – Doherty
Measures for young farmers in Budget 2016 protect Irish agriculture for the future – Heydon
“Young farmers are going to benefit from Budget 2016, which is good news for the future of Ireland’s agri-food sector”, says Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, and Chair of the Party’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Martin Heydon.
Smaller class sizes and more teachers good news for the education sector – Mitchell O’Connor
Fine Gael TD for Dún Laoghaire and Chairperson of the Internal Fine Gael Education Committee Mary Mitchell O’Connor, says the announcement of smaller class sizes and more teachers in Budget 2016 are very positive measures.
Death of Garda Antony Golden an appalling tragedy – O’Dowd
Fine Gael TD for Louth, Fergus O’Dowd, has said he is shocked and appalled by the murder of Garda Anthony Golden.
Death of Garda Golden a shocking tragedy – Mitchell O’Connor
Fine Gael TD for Dún Laoghaire, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, says the murder of Garda Tony Golden is a shocking tragedy.
Fourth consecutive month of decreases in long term mortgage arrears – Daly
Fine Gael TD for Cork South West, Jim Daly, has noted the Department of Finance data for August revealing that long term mortgage arrears have decreased for four months in a row.