News & Statements

Lack of arbitrators stalling development of Naas Town Centre

Anthony Lawlor TD has today (Wednesday) expressed his disappointment that an arbitration process which concerns the development of the Naas Town Centre has again been deferred until the new year. This is due to the lack of arbitrators in the State.

Lack of arbitrators stalling development of Naas Town Centre

Anthony Lawlor TD has today (Wednesday) expressed his disappointment that an arbitration process which concerns the development of the Naas Town Centre has again been deferred until the new year. This is due to the lack of arbitrators in the State.

Dáil Question on Secondary School for Johnstownbridge & Enfield area

To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if, as a result of the population increase in the Johnstownbridge and Enfield areas in County Kildare, she has given consideration to the establishment of a secondary school for this locality; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

Dáil Question on completion of Naas Community College

To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the timeline for the completion of the Naas Community College located in the Millennium Park, Naas, County Kildare; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

Dáil Question on Kilcock Primary Care Centre

DÁIL QUESTION addressed to the Minister of State at the Department of Health (Kathleen Lynch) by Deputy Anthony Lawlor for WRITTEN ANSWER on 11/11/2015 * To ask the Minister for Health if he will provide an update on the establishment of a Primary Care Centre in Kilcock, Co. Kildare; when the Centre will be completed and open to the public; and if he will make a statement on the matter.