News & Statements
Opposition shamelessly use flood victims to try score political points
Fine Gael TD for Mayo, Michelle Mulherin, has expressed her disgust at the opposition’s tactics of using flood stricken families as a tactic to try to score political points.
€1.16 million of funding will further boost Dunmore East Harbour – Minister Coffey
Fine Gael Waterford Minister has welcomed news from his Ministerial Colleague, the Minister for Agriculture, Food and The Marine Simon Coveney TD that he has allocated in excess of €1 million for Dunmore East Harbour. Minister Coffey said that this funding will build on the significant capital investment that has gone into the village in recent years.
New year but same old FF who propose to throw money at services with no clarity on how they would pay – Fitzgerald
Looking into 2016, Fianna Fáil propose to spend, spend, spend. Yet they have provided no clarity on how they plan to do this.
People would pay more tax under Fianna Fáil – Minister Noonan
The Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan TD, has said that workers who are due to benefit from reductions to the Universal Social Charge on January 1st would pay more tax under Fianna Fáil.
€1.14 million granted to Waterford Airport – Minister Coffey
Fine Gael Waterford Minister Paudie Coffey has welcomed news from his colleague Minister for Transport , Tourism and Sport Paschal Donohoe TD that €1.14 million has been granted to Waterford Airport for 2015.
€2.39 million allocated for the maintenance of National roads in Waterford – Minister Coffey
Fine Gael Waterford Minister Paudie Coffey, has today (Tuesday) welcomed the news that €2.39 million has been granted to Waterford for improvement and maintenance works on national roads.
Fianna Fáil, the party that destroyed 300,000 jobs, still has no jobs plan – English
“Fianna Fáil, the party that destroyed 300,000 jobs, still has no job creation plan”, according to Damien English, Fine Gael TD for Meath West and Minister of State at the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.
€8.3m allocated for the maintenance of roads in Longford and Westmeath – McFadden
Fine Gael TD for Longford/ Westmeath Gabrielle McFadden has today (Tuesday) welcomed the news that €8.3 million has been granted to counties Longford and Westmeath for improvement and maintenance works on roads.
Minister stands up to commercial broadband operators – Heydon
Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, and Chair of the Party’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, Martin Heydon, has welcomed the requirement by Minister for Communications, Alex White, for commercial operators to sign up to commitment contracts for areas where they wish to provide broadband services. Without these contracts, the areas cannot be removed from the Government High Speed Broadband Map.
Do SF candidates support the courts? – O’Donovan
“All Sinn Fèin candidates planning to go before the people need to state if they share their party leader’s attitude to the justice system or if they support the courts?”, says Fine Gael TD for Limerick, Patrick O’Donovan.