News & Statements
Over €300,000 extra funding for childcare services across Donegal – McHugh
I am delighted to announce that local childcare services will receive more than €300,00 in extra funding. The money will be used to provide more than new childcare places, maintenance and building work as well as outdoor play areas and is available for immediate draw-down by providers here in Donegal.
Post Brexit, energy security can be an easy win – Richmond
The Government must prioritise roll-out of the Celtic Interconnector in order to secure Ireland's energy supply in the wake of Brexit, according to Fine Gael Senator and spokesman on EU Affairs, Neale Richmond who was speaking in the Seanad today (Wednesday).
Update Re Development on House Building Sites and Housing Starts
Export increases show need for more EU trade deals post Brexit – Richmond
Annual export increases show the need for more EU trade deals post Brexit, a Dublin-based Senator has said.
Taoiseach launches “Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery – a health led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025”
An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, today joined Minister for Health Simon Harris and Minister of State Catherine Byrne to launch “Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery – a health led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025”.
Dáil is working for the people, says Government Chief Whip Joe McHugh
The Taoiseach’s main priorities on Dáil Reform since taking office last month included more Dáiltime to debate Government legislation each week and a more proportionate division of Dáil time to speak on Statements to reflect the electoral mandate of Parties and Groups in the Dáil. This has now been agreed
Cannabis Bill contains no safeguards against harmful use by patients- O’Connell
A report from the health committee has today recommended that the Cannabis for Medicinal Use Regulation Bill 2016 should not proceed to committee stage.
An ill-informed minority cannot be allowed to jeopardise RWC bid – Richmond
Speaking in the Seanad during the debate on the Rugby World Cup Bill, Fine Gael Senator and rugby player, Neale Richmond, has stated that an ill-informed minority cannot be allowed to jeopardise Ireland's bid to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup.
New Bill will give over 60,000 families greater certainty around autism supports
A Fine Gael Bill will see over 60,000 families benefit from greater supports for children with autism.