News & Statements

Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Social Protection

To ask the Minister for Social Protection the reason jobseekers who take up part time employment that is under 20 hours over five days a week and not allowed for three days, and who are also within the means test are not able to apply for jobseekers allowance for the hours not worked, as this could be seen as a disincentive to take up part time employment; and if she will make a statement on the matter?

Doherty welcomes compensation package for symphysiotomy survivors

Fine Gael Meath East TD and member of the Oireachtas Health Committee, Regina Doherty, has today (Tuesday) warmly welcomed the compensation package approved by the Government for survivors of symphysiotomies. Deputy Doherty has been working with the women involved and has been urging the Government to bring closure to the issue.

Minister Fitzgerald publishes Report on removal of two Roma children

Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Justice& Equality has today published the Report of the Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the removal of two Roma children from their families. The Minister committed to full implementation of report recommendations as well as calling for a more dynamic and effective approach to Roma integration in Ireland.

New Defence Minister Coveney Welcomed – Heydon

Fine Gael TD for Kildare South Martin Heydon has today (Friday) welcomed the appointment of Minister Simon Coveney as the new Minister for Defence in addition to his role as Minster for Agriculture, Food and the Marine. He follows in the footsteps of his father former Minister Hugh Coveney, who served as Minister for Defence and Minister for the Marine from 1994 to 1995