News & Statements
€25,000 on the way for festivals and events in Cork – Murphy
Boost for Cork tourism thanks to Fáilte Ireland investment
Debate on future of History needed ahead of 1916 commemorations – Conway
Clare Fine Gael Senator and Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Equality and Disability, Martin Conway, has called on the Government to initiate a national debate on the teaching of history at secondary school. Senator Conway added that the run up to the 1916 Easter Rising commemoration is the perfect backdrop for the debate.
Varadkar promoting Irish tourism in China
Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar is this week promoting Ireland as a tourism destination at one of the world’s most important tourism conferences in China.
OECD report confirms Action Plan for Jobs is working but opportunities for further development – Minister Bruton
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today (Tuesday) welcomed the publication by the OECD of its Review of the Action Plan for Jobs (APJ), which concludes that the plan is working while recommending adjustments in the future to maximise its potential.
Social Housing Update 16th April 2014
To ask the Minister for Social Protection the extent to which she is aware of the situation affecting tenants on local authority housing lists ...
Social Housing Update 16th April 2014
To ask the Minister for Social Protection the extent to which she is aware of the situation affecting tenants on local authority housing lists ...
Update Youth and Long Term Unemployment 16th April 2014
To ask the Minister for Social Protection the extent to which she continues to monitor the various measures taken to date to address long term and youth unemployment...
€500,000 in new funding to support start up businesses in aviation and manufacturing sectors – Minister Bruton
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today (Thursday) launched a special €500,000 Enterprise Ireland Competitive Start Fund targeted at stimulating new start- up business activity in both the Aviation and Manufacturing sectors.
€500,000 in new funding to support start up businesses in aviation and manufacturing sectors – Minister Bruton
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today (Thursday) launched a special €500,000 Enterprise Ireland Competitive Start Fund targeted at stimulating new start- up business activity in both the Aviation and Manufacturing sectors.
Appointments to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal
The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter TD, today announced that he is seeking expressions of interest from suitably-qualified persons for membership of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal.