News & Statements
Update: Air Crash in Ukraine – Foreign Affairs 7th October, 2014
intimidation of relatives of victims of the air crash in the Ukraine by masked, hooded and armed personnel who impeded the victims' relatives in their attempts to recover the bodies of their loved ones
Update: Boko Haram in Nigeria – Foreign Affairs 7th October, 2014
activities of the Boko Haram in Nigeria with particular reference to the release of school girls taken prisoner some time ago
Update: EU/US Trade Negotiations – Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation 7th October, 2014
extent to which EU/US trade negotiations are progressing
Update: Human Rights in Iran – Foreign Affairs 7th October, 2014
authorities in Iran are moving towards a more democratic process facilitating a recognition of international standards in respect of human rights
Update: Increased EU Membership – Foreign Affairs 7th October, 2014
progress continues towards EU enlargement with particular reference to the countries currently in the process and proposed
Update: Iran – Foreign Affarirs 7th October, 2014
efforts continue to be made to encourage Iran to embrace democratic structures incorporating full recognition of human rights standards
Update: Irish Embassies – Foreign Affairs 7th October, 2014
various Irish embassies or consulates throughout the EU and worldwide continue to be used as a means of promoting this country
Update: ISIS – Foreign Affairs 7th October, 2014
cooperate in their efforts to prevent the public executions of innocent civilians by hooded and masked executioners whose disguise prevents any subsequent retribution for war crimes
Update: Peace in Middle East – Foreign Affairs 7th October, 2014
EU and UN are united in support of a peace process in the Middle East
Update: Spread of Ebola – Foreign Affairs 7th October, 2014
steps taken or proposed by the international community to contain the spread of Ebola