News & Statements
Dáil Speech on Turf Cutting- Wednesday March 7th
Speeches, Environment
Dáil Speech on the Sale of State Assets- Thursday 8th March
Speeches, Economy
Dáil Speech on Turf Cutting- Wednesday March 7th
Speeches, Environment
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government
To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if the public tender requirement still applies for works on unfinished housing estates funded from the €5 million allocated to complete estates; if so, if there is scope to relax some of the planning requirements in cases where the builder is still available and on site and where local authorities consider using the existing builder more efficient; and if he will make a statement on the matter?
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government
To ask the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the reason the household charge waiver for unfinished housing estates was calculated on the basis of the 2010 national housing development survey and not the more recent 2011 survey; if his attention has been drawn to the inconsistencies which are now apparent both within and between local authorities in terms of the condition of the estates qualifying for the waiver; his plans to change the methodology for applying the waiver for next year; and if he will make a statement on the matter?
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Finance
To ask the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to reports that the two pillar banks are approving loans but later imposing conditions so strict and so unreasonable as to prevent drawdown; if he will clarify if banks' claims of compliance with the €3 billion target is based on loans approved or on those actually drawn down?
Architecture Graduates caught in Catch 22
Fine Gael TD for Dublin South, Olivia Mitchell, has called on the Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, to allow graduate architects to avail of the JobBridge Scheme in order to get their professional qualification
Euro Area Loan Facility
I support the legislation which is aimed at the financial stability of Europe. It is not just Greece; it is this country and all of the other countries in Europe
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Social Protection
To ask the Minister for Social Protection if she will provide an update on her statement in the Dail Éireann, Topical Issues, 7 March 2012, that she would seek to make graduate architects eligible for the jobbridge scheme; and if she will make a statement on the matter?
JobBridge Scheme
I am raising this matter to ask the Minister for Social Protection, Deputy Joan Burton, to allow graduate architects to participate in the JobBridge scheme to fulfil the employment condition in their registration as an architect.