News & Statements

Speech on the Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill

I join other speakers in welcoming the introduction of the constitutional amendment. I congratulate the Minister, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald, and her ministerial colleagues on the time, effort and dedication that went into the preparation of the proposal which is before us today

Rush ATM service essential

Fine Gael TD for Dublin North Alan Farrell has assured residents that AIB is hopeful that its 24 hour ATM facility in Rush will be retained.

Speech on the Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill

I join other speakers in welcoming the introduction of the constitutional amendment. I congratulate the Minister, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald, and her ministerial colleagues on the time, effort and dedication that went into the preparation of the proposal which is before us today

Payments a welcome respite for farmers after difficult summer

Laois Offaly TD Charlie Flanagan has welcomed the announcement by Minister for Agriculture, Simon Coveney, of the payment of the two vital funding schemes, the Disadvantaged Areas Scheme (DAS) and the Agri-Environmental Options Scheme (AEOS).

Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Social Protection

To ask the Minister for Social Protection if she will clarify the person's who may become a member of the panel of advisors of the new independent advisory service for mortgage holders; if her attention has been drawn to concerns among professions such as financial brokers that they will suffer from loss competitive advantage if they are admitted to this scheme at a much later date; if she will give consideration to immediately admitting such professions which are well regulated and meet the criteria of the scheme; and if she will make a statement on the matter?

Speech on the Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill

It is a long awaited and much needed initiative and I commend the Minister, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald, the Taoiseach and the Cabinet on bringing it forward within 18 months of coming to office. I also welcome the cross-party support for the proposal in the House and the broader universal support from agencies working in the area of child welfare. Such a consensus is probably unique in the history of the State.