News & Statements
Speech on the Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill
It is a long awaited and much needed initiative and I commend the Minister, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald, the Taoiseach and the Cabinet on bringing it forward within 18 months of coming to office. I also welcome the cross-party support for the proposal in the House and the broader universal support from agencies working in the area of child welfare. Such a consensus is probably unique in the history of the State.
Speech on the Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill
It is a long awaited and much needed initiative and I commend the Minister, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald, the Taoiseach and the Cabinet on bringing it forward within 18 months of coming to office. I also welcome the cross-party support for the proposal in the House and the broader universal support from agencies working in the area of child welfare. Such a consensus is probably unique in the history of the State.
Speech on the Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill
It is a long awaited and much needed initiative and I commend the Minister, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald, the Taoiseach and the Cabinet on bringing it forward within 18 months of coming to office. I also welcome the cross-party support for the proposal in the House and the broader universal support from agencies working in the area of child welfare. Such a consensus is probably unique in the history of the State.
Fiscal Responsibility Bill 2012 -Dáil Speech
Dáil Speech on Fiscal Compact Bill 10th October 2012
Fiscal Responsibility Bill 2012 -Dáil Speech
Dáil Speech on Fiscal Compact Bill 10th October 2012
Flanagan meets with IFA officials on CAP
Laois Offaly TD Charlie Flanagan met with local representatives from the IFA and reassured them that he has urged Minister Coveney to do all in his power to negotiate the best deal possible for Irish farmers during CAP reform negotiations.
Coffey Outlines Position on potential amalgamation of Waterford City and County Councils
Coffey Outlines Position on potential amalgamation of Waterford City and County Councils.
Arts Update: Support for Local Community Organisations 29th November 2012
To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the extent to which his Department continues to be in direct contact with local arts groups, musical or dramatic societies in the context of offering financial or other support...
Flanagan seeks Bus Eireann report on Heywood C.S. from Minister Cannon
Laois Offaly T.D. Charlie Flanagan has welcomed the decision by Minister for State at the Department of Education, Ciaran Cannon, to seek a comprehensive report on the travel arrangements for children attending Heywood C.S. Deputy Flanagan was speaking after he raised the issue with the Minister in the Dail last Tuesday.
Corcoran Kennedy appointed regional director for FG Children’s Referendum campaign
The Irish people will be given a very important opportunity on Saturday, November 10th to place children at the heart of our Constitution. By voting Yes to the Referendum, you will be helping to ensure that children are protected from harm.