News & Statements
Grants awarded to health groups in 2013
Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal Alan Farrell has welcomed National Lottery Funding grants of over €150,000 for local community health groups in Fingal, awarded through the Department of Health.
Major investment in Balbriggan sport facilities on the way
"A major government investment has been granted via Fingal County Council for GAA and soccer facilities in Balbriggan," according to Alan Farrell, Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal.
Major investment in Balbriggan sport facilities on the way
"A major government investment has been granted via Fingal County Council for GAA and soccer facilities in Balbriggan," according to Alan Farrell, Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal.
Major investment in Balbriggan sport facilities on the way
"A major government investment has been granted via Fingal County Council for GAA and soccer facilities in Balbriggan," according to Alan Farrell, Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal.
Comiskey welcomes outcome of concluded deal on fish quotas for 2013
OPW remains committed to Sean MacDiarmada residence in advance of 1916 anniversary
Justice Update: Garda Deployment 13th December 2012
To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality the extent to which he continues to monitor the deployment of Garda numbers at various stations throughout the country...
Justice Update: Garda Deployment 13th December 2012
To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality the extent to which he continues to monitor the deployment of Garda numbers at various stations throughout the country...
Speech on Social Wefare Bill – 11/12/12
Deputy Conlan's speech in the Dáil on the Social Welfare Bill.
Most fundamental overhaul of Local Government sector in over 100 years
New systems will make Local Government accountable, Councillors will be reduced by 42%, Councils reduced from 114 to 31 bringing overall Savings of €420 million