News & Statements
Job creation legislation will dominate first Dáil term of 2013
Government Chief Whip, Minister Paul Kehoe T.D., today announced the Government’s Legislative Programme for the Spring 2013 Parliamentary session.
FSAI Survey of Beef Products at Retail Outlets
As the House is aware, the findings of Laboratory tests, provided by the FSAI to my Department on 14 January, revealed the presence of non beef DNA in some beef products. This generally involved trace or minute amounts of porcine or equine DNA with the exception of one burger which had a high level of equine DNA.
Speech by Taoiseach to the European Parliament
Today as Taoiseach I’m honoured to attend the European Parliament and present the priorities of the Irish Presidency
Given the statement by the Revenue Commissioners last week that they will be compiling information on valuing properties for the local property tax beginning in March, it is necessary to provide more information for the public.
250,000 jobs lost during FF’s last three years in power – Corcoran Kennedy
Fine Gael Laois/Offaly TD, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy, has hit back at claims from Barry Cowen that the Government is failing to tackle the jobs crisis, saying that during Fianna Fáil’s last three years in power over a quarter of a million jobs were lost in the private sector.
Breen welcomes selection of Kilrush for National Famine Commemoration 2013
Fine Gael Clare TD and Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs, Pat Breen, has warmly welcomed the announcement that Kilrush has been selected as the location for the National Famine Commemoration 2013.
Job creation in Cork is encouraging
Ireland’s EU Presidency to focus on supporting youth employment
Ireland’s EU Presidency Programme which was launched this week focuses on stability, jobs and growth and this includes a priority objective on tackling youth unemployment.
Coveney takes immediate action to reassure consumers following FSAI survey results
The survey result showed that in one particular sample tested, there was evidence of the presence of equine DNA at a high level in frozen beef burgers. The Minister said that the FSAI has made clear that there is no food safety implication to this finding although it does raise concerns about the proper labelling and sourcing of food ingredients.
Minister meets with 11 Food Works entrepreneurs as they begin their venture
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney T.D. today visited the Guinness Enterprise Centre, Dublin to meet the Food Works entrepreneurs undertaking the final stage of the Food Works initiative. Addressing the eleven entrepreneurs Minister Coveney said