News & Statements
Dáil Question on Visa Waiver Scheme
Parliamentary Questions, Tourism,
Dáil Speech on Mahon Tribunal- Wednesday 28th March
Speeches, Miscellaneous
New Sport Capital Programme Warmly Welcomed
Press Statements, Sport and Community Resources, Government Funding, 2012 Sport Capital Programme
Dáil Speech on Mahon Tribunal- Wednesday 28th March
Speeches, Miscellaneous
New Sport Capital Programme Warmly Welcomed
Press Statements, Sport and Community Resources, Government Funding, 2012 Sport Capital Programme
Jobs Announcement for Celbridge Welcomed
Press Statements, Local News, Celbridge, Jobs, Economy
Jobs Announcement for Celbridge Welcomed
Press Statements, Local News, Celbridge, Jobs, Economy
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Health
To ask the Minister for Health if he will request the VHI to desist from using the Government health insurance levy as a means of preventing persons in financial difficulties from downgrading their policies; and if he will make a statement on the matter?
Owners of Sandyford site will be fined unless it is cleaned up
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council placed part of the former Fleming Site in Sandyford Industrial Estate on the Derelict Sites Register.
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Health
1.To ask the Minister for Health if he will request the VHI to desist from using the Government health insurance levy as a means of preventing persons in financial difficulties from downgrading their policies; and if he will make a statement on the matter? 2. To ask the Minister for Health if, in view of the reports that VHI are allowing customers who have been made redundant downgrade their policies without penalty, he accepts the VHI explanation that they must charge other customers downgrading their policies such high penalties because of the health insurance levy; and if he will make a statement on the matter?