News & Statements
Dáil Speech on Fiscal Compact Treaty- Thursday 19th April
Speeches, Elections, EU
Dáil Speech on Fiscal Compact Treaty- Thursday 19th April
Speeches, Elections, EU
Mitchell welcomes nearly €6 million in local roads funding
1,000 jobs to be created nationally as Minister invests €60 million for the Regional & Local Roads Investment Programme
Stability Treaty
As there has been a widespread welcome for the fact that we are holding a referendum, I imagine most people are in favour of the Bill. A few might quibble about the actual wording of the treaty and what is proposed to be inserted into the Constitution because it is definitely minimalist.
Mitchell welcomes nearly €6 million in local roads funding
1,000 jobs to be created nationally as Minister invests €60 million for the Regional & Local Roads Investment Programme. Fine Gael Dublin South Deputy, Olivia Mitchell TD, today (Wednesday) welcomed the announcement that the Minister for the Transport, Tourism & Sport, Leo Varadkar TD, is to provide nearly €6 million locally through the Regional & Local Roads Investment Programme.
Delight at National Transport Authority €2.5 Million Funding Allocation for Co. Kildare
Press Statements, Local News, Transport, Government Funding, Kildare North
EU Fiscal Compact Treaty Referendum 31st May: Make Sure You Can Vote
Press Statements, Elections
Delight at National Transport Authority €2.5 Million Funding Allocation for Co. Kildare
Press Statements, Local News, Transport, Government Funding, Kildare North
EU Fiscal Compact Treaty Referendum 31st May: Make Sure You Can Vote
Press Statements, Elections
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport
To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the final cost to the State of the construction of the Port Tunnel; and if he will make a statement on the matter?