News & Statements

Electoral (Amendment)(Political Funding) Bill 2011

I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute on this welcome Bill, which was promised in the programme for Government. It addresses two important issues, those being, political donations and women's participation in politics

Construction Contracts Bill 2010

I wish to share time with Deputy Tom Hayes. I am pleased that this Bill is back before the Houses. I understand it was the last tranche of legislation dealt with by the last Seanad. There is almost unanimous acknowledgement of the need and the urgency to introduce legislation to regulate payments and disputes in the construction industry.

European Communities (Amendment) Bill 2012

We are all aware of the grave crisis facing Europe such that the future of the Eurozone project is now in question. We can also see how joined at the hip we all are in terms of our financial and economic futures. The availability of a rescue mechanism for Spain, Estonia, Greece or any other member state is as important to Ireland as the availability of such a mechanism for us

Coffey urges IDA to deliver on jobs in Waterford

Deputy Coffey was speaking after the IDA’s South East Regional Manager said that site visits to Waterford and the south east this year by prospective investors have surpassed those carried out during all of 2011.