News & Statements
Dáil Speech on Local Government Miscellaneous Bill 2012- Wednesday 23rd May
Speeches, Environment, Legislation
Dáil Speech on Local Government Miscellaneous Bill 2012- Wednesday 23rd May
Speeches, Environment, Legislation
Mixed feelings over Constituency Commission changes
Fine Gael Party Chairman Charlie Flanagan has admitted to having mixed feelings over the recent decision by the Constituency Commission to recommend splitting up Laois and Offaly for the first time in the history of the State. Deputy Flanagan was speaking after the publication of the Constituency Commission report which will see Laois and Offaly becoming two three seater constituencies.
End of an Era as Churchtown Driving Test Centre closes
Speaking following the announcement of the closure of the Churchtown driving test centre, Fine Gael TD for Dublin South Olivia Mitchell described the news as the end of an era.
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Health
To ask the Minister for Health if he has considered representations from the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists seeking statutory registration and recognition of creative arts therapies; and if he will make a statement on the matter?
General election gender quotas should have sunset clause
Fine Gael TD for Dublin South, Olivia Mitchell, has suggested the introduction of a sunset clause for gender quotas which would see the quotas phased out after a pre-determined period of time.
General election gender quotas should have sunset clause
Fine Gael TD for Dublin South, Olivia Mitchell, has suggested the introduction of a sunset clause for gender quotas which would see the quotas phased out after a pre-determined period of time.
New Committee allows for greater focus on Agriculture during Irish Presidency of EU
New Committee allows for greater focus on Agriculture during Irish Presidency of EU
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Education and Skills
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 167 of 6 June 2012, regarding the conditions of staff transferring to the Qualifications and Quality Assurance Authority, if he will confirm that the current pension entitlements of staff will be maintained as they currently stand; and if he will make a statement on the matter?