News & Statements

Concerns of artistic community ignored at our peril

Speaking this evening in the Dáil during private members' business, Fine Gael TD for Dublin South, Olivia Mitchell, urged the Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs, Jimmy Deenihan TD, to preserve in the curatorial and programming independence of the cultural institutions.

National Cultural Institutions

I am not being political when I highlight that the concerns expressed in the motion correspond to measures promised in the budget of 2009 by the party then in government.

Mitchell nostalgic about the break-up of Dublin South constituency

Reacting to the Constituency Commission boundary recommendations, Fine Gael TD for Dublin South Olivia Mitchell has said she feels nostalgic about the break-up of the Dublin South constituency as we know it. "Not alone was Dublin South a butchering, the wiping out of the Dublin South name is a real shock. 'Dublin Rathdown' will take some getting used to.