News & Statements
Minister Fitzgerald welcomes progress towards Adoption Agreement with Vietnam
The delegation of senior officials was on a week-long visit hosted by the Adoption Authority and Minister Fitzgerald.
Buttimer welcomes establishment of Constitutional Convention
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Health
To ask the Minister for Health if he will clarify when the report on prompt payments by the Health Service Executive will be published; and if he will make a statement on the matter?
Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs
To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if the upcoming Adoption Information and Tracing Bill 2012 will provide for adoptees for whom apparently no records exist, as opposed to just providing for adoptees where records are known to be available; and if so, if she will outline the reason the Bill could provide a means through which such adoptees could source currently inaccessible information; and if she will make a statement on the matter?
Enterprise Ireland results show Record Export Figures for 2011
Welcoming the 2011 Annual Report from Enterprise Ireland announcing record exports of €15.2bn.
Enterprise Ireland results show Record Export Figures for 2011
Welcoming the 2011 Annual Report from Enterprise Ireland announcing record exports of €15.2bn.
Coghlan supports Minister Deenihan’s approach to the Arts
Fine Gael Kerry Senator and Seanad Chief Whip, Paul Coghlan, has voiced his support for the approach to the Arts being taken by the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan.
Increased European Parliament involvement in CAP Reform
Increased European Parliament involvement in CAP Reform
100 high-end cloud computing jobs for Sandyford
Fine Gael TD for Dublin South, Olivia Mitchell, has warmly welcomed the announcement of 100 new high-end jobs by, which is based in the Sandyford Business Park.