News & Statements

St Bridget's Nursing Home – Crooksling

To ask the Minister for Health the reason the Health Service Executive has reduced the patient complement at St Bridget's Nursing Home, Crooksling at a time when it was necessary to ensure the utilisation of the maximum accommodation for patients and given that previous the full complement of patients was deemed to be 120

Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Social Protection

To ask the Minister for Social Protection her method of determining up to date figures on unemployment hotspots around the country; the measures she has introduced to target these areas specifically; the proposals in place to target these areas; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Finance

To ask the Minister for Finance if he will outline the benefits to extending the current rate of mortgage interest relief for first time buyers; the projected cost of extending the scheme to the Excheque, and his rationale for the possible cessation of the scheme in 2013; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Health

To ask the Minister for Health his views regarding the office of the Ombudsman Report entitled Too Old to be Equal; the recommendations therein; and if he has begun the process of changing the mobility allowance scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Health

To ask the Minister for Health his views regarding the office of the Ombudsman Report entitled Too Old to be Equal; the recommendations therein; and if he has begun the process of changing the mobility allowance scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Parliamentary Questions to the Minister for Finance

To ask the Minister for Finance his views on the possibility of imposing a levy or tax on the pension sums of more than €100,000 administered to former employees of banks only covered by the State guarantee; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

To ask the Minister for Health his policy regarding the addition of the meningitis vaccination to the national vaccination programme; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Health

To ask the Minister for Health his views regarding the office of the Ombudsman Report entitled Too Old to be Equal; the recommendations therein; and if he has begun the process of changing the mobility allowance scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Finance

To ask the Minister for Finance the action that can be taken to curtail the outrageously generous pensions paid to some of the former top managers in the covered banks; the way these pensions are funded; if he will assure taxpayers that recapitalisation moneys do not and will not underpin these pensions; and if he will make a statement on the matter?

Parliamentary Question addressed to the Minister for Finance

To ask the Minister for Finance if following media coverage (details supplied) of the activities of debt management companies, legislation to control same or bring such companies under Central Bank regulation is being considered,; and if he will make a statement on the matter?