News & Statements

Doherty pushes for youth café for Ashbourne

Fine Gael Meath East TD, Regina Doherty, has today (Tuesday) said that she is pushing the case for a youth café to be opened in Ashbourne. Deputy Doherty has established a founding committee to help make the project a reality.

Motion in relation to Government Business

The elimination of the promissory note last week meant it was a good week for our country. As a people we can look forward once again with positive expectations.

€4 million plan for safer, smarter travel in Fingal

"The National Transport Authority has allocated €4 million to Fingal's Road Development Plan to improve safety and smarter travel throughout Fingal", according to Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal Alan Farrell. The funding was confirmed today through the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.

€4 million plan for safer, smarter travel in Fingal

"The National Transport Authority has allocated €4 million to Fingal's Road Development Plan to improve safety and smarter travel throughout Fingal", according to Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal Alan Farrell. The funding was confirmed today through the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.

€4 million plan for safer, smarter travel in Fingal

"The National Transport Authority has allocated €4 million to Fingal's Road Development Plan to improve safety and smarter travel throughout Fingal", according to Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal Alan Farrell. The funding was confirmed today through the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.